Break the "Food Allergy Wanderer" cycle

and conquer your food reactions

with the FoodClues™ Total Freedom Program!

Introducing the FoodClues™ Total Freedom Program, your missing link to lasting freedom from food challenges and optimal health.

What if you could reduce your food allergies and intolerances without shots, meds, or avoiding

all of the foods you love?

Using the proven FoodClues™ Approach you can finally focus on living your best life without being bogged down by worrying about your food reactions.

Say goodbye to...

...constantly worrying about what you eat because it may land you at the doctor

...hours of googling recipes and calling restaurants ahead of time

...turning down time with friends and family to avoid food reactions

...feeling dismissed or unheard by your doctor when you have questions

Imagine your food allergies and intolerances as weeds, overrunning the beautiful garden of your life.

Most conventional treatments focus on trimming the leaves—they cut back the symptoms, but the roots are still there, ready to sprout back up at any time. This is why you find yourself managing symptoms over and over again, without ever getting lasting relief.

The FoodClues™ Total Freedom Program approaches your food allergies differently. Instead of just plucking the leaves or clipping the stems, we dig deep to find the external factors, the true roots, of your food reactions.

All food reactions have causes; they don't happen spontaneously. We don’t just look at what’s happening on the surface —we investigate the soil, the environment, and what’s feeding those roots. By addressing the underlying issues—like hidden infections, toxin buildup, and immune system imbalances—we can pull the weeds out at the root, so they’re less likely to return.

This holistic approach is what makes the FoodClues™ Total Freedom Program so effective. We don’t just mask the symptoms; we work to remove the causes, helping your body heal from the inside out.

The result? A garden that’s not just free of weeds, but healthy and thriving—just like you can be, with the right care.Sub-Headline

Just Imagine...

Without addressing the underlying causes of your food allergies and intolerances, you're stuck in a cycle of meticulous planning to avoid triggers, missing out on social and family gatherings, and constant worry about accidental exposures. You're just another food allergy wanderer struggling to navigate the crowded sea of dietary restrictions.

But imagine the flip side...

​With the FoodClues™ Total Freedom Program, you'll uncover and address all the causes of your food reactions, allowing you to eat what you want, when you want, and where you want, fearlessly. Finally be free of the constant worry and say hello to a life of freedom and improved health.

Why Choose the FoodClues™ Total Freedom Program?

When it comes to food allergies and intolerances, most treatments focus on managing symptoms, leaving you in a cycle of restriction and fear. But that’s only part of the story. The FoodClues™ Total Freedom Program takes a different approach—one that addresses every piece of the puzzle so you can experience lasting relief and finally enjoy more of life.

The FoodClues™ Equation:

External Factors


Internal Dysfunctions


Food Reactions


The Food Allergy/Intolerance Experience

Most treatments stop at managing food reactions. But food allergies are about more than just what see and feel — they’re about what’s happening inside your body and how external factors play a role. The FoodClues™ Approach digs deeper, addressing the underlying issues that lead to food reactions in the first place.

Our comprehensive 6-stage framework is designed to tackle each component of the FoodClues™ Equation, guiding you from identifying the external factors of your food challenges to restoring and optimizing your body’s natural functions. Here’s how it works:


We start by pinpointing the underlying drivers of your food challenges with the FoodClues™ Comprehensive Wellness Profile. Then we flush your lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of any wastes that may be stuck in them, preparing your body for efficient elimination in future phases of the program.


Next, we enhance your immune system’s ability to combat germs and neutralize toxins. This stage targets factors contributing to food rejection and reactions, addressing inflammatory processes that cause common symptoms like rashes, swelling, itching, belly pain, and bloating. Without this stage, symptoms can be worse than necessary when tackling germs and toxins.


Longstanding germs and toxins hinder normal digestion and overall body performance. In this phase, we focus on eradicating these harmful organisms from the deep corners of the body.


With your body free of toxins and invaders, we begin the healing, repair, and restoration of organs and body systems. This sets the stage for long-term recovery and resilience, and most importantly, better food tolerance.


Now that your organs and systems are restored, we ensure that all functions are operating at their highest efficiency. This stage is all about fine-tuning your body’s reactions and cycles to achieve optimal health.


Finally, we stabilize and maintain your newly optimized function. We monitor for any additional opportunities for healing and perform final food tolerance testing. At this stage, reintroducing foods becomes possible—with little to no reactions!


A life where food no longer holds you back. The FoodClues™ Total Freedom Program goes beyond symptom management, offering you a path to lasting relief. By addressing the external factors, internal dysfunctions, and food reactions that make up the food allergy experience, we help you reclaim your health and enjoy a fuller, richer life.

How does the

FoodClues™ Total Freedom Program work?

Comprehensive FoodClues™ Wellness Profile Session

Tried and Tested Supplement Regimens

On Demand Videos to Guide You

Your program starts with a

private virtual session to give you a clear understanding of underlying issues driving food challenges, targeted approach to resolving them, and readiness to begin the program with confidence.

Get all the questions you've always had about your food reactions answered here.

The program includes 12 easy to follow supplement regimens that guide you through the six stages of the FoodClues™ Treatment Framework.

All supplements have been researched for good quality at the most affordable costs so there's no worrying about having the best treatment solutions.

Each stage of the treatment framework includes an educational video that provides detailed guidance for each regimen, explaining the purpose and benefits of each step, designed to help you understand why you're taking specific actions and how they contribute to your overall healing and food allergy relief.

Also included...

  • Immediate access to our symptom management app for instant support when symptoms creep up

  • Why? So you know how to manage any symptoms in the program as they come up

  • Free private session to discuss bloodwork or other lab results

  • Why? So you know what your results mean and how they connect to your symptoms and the program

  • Based on elimination diet principles

  • Includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack options

  • A springboard to substitute and simplify as needed

  • Why? For clean eating options as tolerated during the program

What Are Our Clients Saying ?

"I have noticed drastic improvements in my health... from finally being able to eat a full meal in one sitting, to being genuinely happier!

Payton M.

"It's the simple things in life that bring me so much joy and being able to watermelon again is one of them!"

Ronda A.

“I am eating all fresh fruits and vegetables. Unbelievable, in 20 years this has never happened.”

Mary D.

"I really appreciate how simplified and to the point everything is.

There’s so much less time and money wasted trying new products that may not be right for you, which is huge for people who are always having to try new protocols and things.”

– Taylor D.

"As a vegetarian for over 30 years I have encountered many practitioners who were immediately dismissive and critical.

Alexis listened to me with an open mind and worked with me to craft a program that honored my nutritional needs without requiring me to compromise my personal beliefs. She approached every conversation with grace and understanding.

After years of debilitating back pain I have a renewed skip in my step and an ally in my corner whenever I have questions about my health. Thank you, Alexis!"

- Jennifer T.

Payment Options

Single payment: $1399.00

Split pay: 6 monthly auto payments of $250.00

Other interest-free payment plans are available

*estimated cost of supplements for full program $1000-$1200

90-Day Money Back Guarantee

We're confident in the effectiveness of the Food Allergy Total Freedom Program. That's why we offer a 90-day money-back guarantee. If you find that you're not satisfied with the program, just notify us in writing within 90 days of starting the program and complete a short interview and we will refund your investment. Your satisfaction and health are our top priorities.

What Are Our Clients Saying ?

"I have noticed drastic improvements in my health and overall well being - from finally being able to eat a full meal in one sitting, to being genuinely happier!

Payton M.

"It's the simple things in life that bring me so much joy and being able to watermelon again is one of them!"

Ronda A.

You may be thinking...

"I've spent so much on other programs and seen zero results. It's hard to trust someone new when I've been burned before."

After listening to lots of clients over the years we've learned that failed programs usually happen for 3 major reasons: not understanding why you're doing what you're doing, poor management of kickback symptoms during the program, and not fully listening to you when you express concerns. We've created the private Wellness Profile Session and the Symptom Cheat Codes course app to hyperfocus on these areas.

"I don't think I'll have enough time to dedicate to the program."

Our program is designed to fit seamlessly into your daily routine, requiring an average of just 10 minutes a day to complete.

Success in the program involves

4 simple steps:

1) Watching the educational videos as needed

2) Ordering your supplements

3) Taking your supplements daily

4) Using the symptom app for support as needed

"I'm already in another program, but it's not cutting it. I'm still stuck carrying around meds and avoiding foods, people and places just to feel safe.

Unlike many programs that focus on monitoring symptoms and providing treatment as reactions occur, the FoodClues™ Total Freedom Program takes a proactive approach to prevent reactions. Many of our clients continue with their current practitioner for testing, and they're often amazed to see their test results begin to change, showing them less reactive to their food triggers.

Freedom from food allergies and intolerances is possible.

In a world filled with the constant struggle of food allergies and intolerances, every meal can feel like a challenge, limiting not just your choices but the joy that comes with each bite.

The Food Allergy Total Freedom Program is your key to breaking free from these constraints. Our carefully crafted Food Clues Framework addresses the root causes, guiding your body through a journey of cleansing and healing.

Picture a life where meals are no longer sources of fear but opportunities for delight and nourishment. Imagine the freedom to spontaneously spend time with family and friends or embark on travel adventures, knowing that the risk of reactions are greatly reduced.

Embark on a transformative path, and experience the relief, freedom, and confidence that await you as you conquer food allergies and embrace a healthier, happier you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I really expect to cure my allergies and intolerances with this program?

Yes! An anonymous survey of our clients reported 80-100% reduction of allergy or intolerance reactions by the end of the program.  Some clients experience improved tolerance as the move through the program, though that is more rare. Remember, it's tackling all the external factors, and allowing the body to heal and restore normal function that yields results. Therefore, it's important to focus on program completion to achieve the relief you're looking for.

Does your program work for kids?

Yes, the FoodClues™ Program has helped both children and adults achieve reduced food reactions. Children are accepted into the program on a case-by-case basis and we strongly encourage scheduling a consultation to determine if your child is a good fit.

While the program is most successful using capsule-based supplements, we understand that this may be difficult for children. That's why we offer many alternatives in liquid and powder form to accommodate their needs.

The program has most successful with children aged 7 and above, as they are more capable of describing their fears and symptoms, which allows them to be guided more appropriately in regards to symptom management and care.

How much time is required?  

Clients spend on average 30 minutes per week working through the program.  This includes watching the educational videos for each stage as you enter it, ordering the supplements for your regimens, and taking your supplements daily (that only takes about 5-10 mins a day).

Will I have to eat my allergen? 

You do not have to eat your food triggers if you don't want to. The final stage of the programs suggest a taste tolerance test which is completely voluntary.  Prior to that, we suggest other forms of testing for earlier tolerance tests. We do not recommend any food reintroductions outside of the ones scheduled in the program.  There's a separate video in the program that covers all the details of tolerance testing included in the program.

Your safety is the highest priority. If you choose not to use food reintroduction as your tolerance test method that's completely ok.  For example, home tolerance tests or formal testing with your allergist or other healthcare provider is an option as well.  It is recommended that those tests still be done at the same scheduled times in the program. 

The goal of our programs is on dialing down reactions to accidental and cross exposures for more freedom from day to day fears or reactions.  It is not the intent of the program to force anyone to eat their food trigger through testing or in a regular eating routine.

I’ve had so many treatments in the past and none of them have worked.  Will this program work for me? 

If you've previously explored numerous treatments without much success, you're not alone. What sets this program apart is the focus on uncovering the external factors driving your food allergies, which often remain unaddressed in conventional treatments and addressing all the factors of resolving reactions, including cleansing the body, healing damaged tissues and normalizing function afterward. Many who still grapple with food allergies, discover that an external factor has yet to be fully explored and resolved. When you reach out to assess whether this program is a suitable fit for you, we can discuss whether those factors have been properly identified or if there are obstacles hindering their treatment. This often overlooked aspect can be the key to unlocking the freedom from food allergies you've been seeking.

What's in the supplements? What if I can't swallow pills?

Most of the supplements are herbal based and include solutions like lemon essential oil, milk thistle, fennel, triphala, and more.  Non-herbal supplements include vitamins, minerals and other substances like colostrum or mastic gum.

All supplements are reviewed to be as safe and effective as possible and are updated as needed when new info becomes available for better solutions. 

Most supplements are also available in a liquid or powder form as an alternative to capsules. More details about supplement options can be discussed during your consultation.

Can I use the programs if I'm vegetarian or vegan?

Yes! We have worked with numerous clients who choose a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle and have worked diligently over the years to provide solutions that respect those lifestyle choices, including reviewing every vitamin, mineral and supplement for animal product ingredients.  We can address any specific concerns during your Wellness Profile Session and will continue to address them as needed as you navigate your participation in the program.

Do I have to go on a special diet in this program?

No. There are no formal diets or food plans to follow with this program and that is because the underlying issues causing food allergies isn’t the actual food.   Your food reactions are a reflection of organ and system dysfunction. 

We will focus on identifying and resolving those dysfunctions for better food tolerance.  You may choose to continue with a food plan of your choice while participating in the program (ex: keto, vegetarian, vegan) and the impact of those choices will be discussed in your one on one session so that you’re aware of how food choices may influence your journey. 

Do you have evidence to support your program? 

Yes. you can find a current list of all the studies supporting the Food Clues™ Approach at  The site is updated regularly as new studies are discovered. 

Phone or Text: 602.730.4159


What is holistic nutrition?

Holistic nutrition is a holistic approach to health and wellness that focuses on the whole person, not just their diet. It takes into account all aspects of your life, including your physical and mental health, your environment, and your relationships. Holistic nutritionists believe that food is a powerful tool that can be used to heal the body, mind, and spirit.

What is the difference between a holistic nutritionist and a registered dietitian?

A holistic nutritionist is a practitioner who uses food and lifestyle changes to promote health and well-being. Holistic nutritionists typically have a background in nutrition, but they are not required to have a degree from an accredited university.

How much does it cost to see a holistic nutritionist?

The cost of seeing a holistic nutritionist can vary depending on the practitioner's experience, location, and the services offered. Most holistic nutritionists charge by the hour, but some may also offer packages or discounts.