5 Things Doctors Don't Talk About When Treating Your Food Allergies

Five Things Doctors Don't Talk About When Treating Food Allergies

I'm going to talk about five things that I have found that doctors usually don't talk about, which really impact not only your general health but more specifically your ability to resolve and conquer your food challenges. Before we get into it, let me clarify: This is not a doctor-bashing session. I have doctor friends who do a fantastic job. However, there are some missing links or opportunities in the usual care process that can be pivotal on your healing journey.
This topic has been on my mind for a while, and I believe it will offer significant help and information for anyone on the journey of better health and managing food allergies and intolerances. So let's get started! 👊

1. Focus on External Factors
One key aspect doctors often overlook is that symptoms can often be resolved when treatment focuses more on external factors and the bigger picture driving these reactions, not just the reactions themselves.
Most treatments don't address factors like infections, toxicities, unresolved healing from surgeries, or environmental influences. Identifying and addressing these external factors can be a game-changer.
Examples of External Factors:
Infections: Unresolved infections can trigger constant immune responses.
Toxicity: Exposure to environmental toxins can overload your body’s defense mechanisms.
Old Injuries: Healing from past surgeries or injuries can get complicated without proper external focus.
Environmental Influences: Things like mold, pollen, or even stress can be significant.

2. Normal Test Results Don't Always Mean No Allergy
Normal or negative test results, or inconclusive findings, do not necessarily mean you don't have an allergy or intolerance.
A normal test might indicate that the issue isn’t where the test was designed to pick up. For instance, if you get a negative result from a skin prick test but still have symptoms, it might mean that the trigger isn't concentrated in your skin but somewhere else in your body, or it's not present in a significant amount at the time of the test.
3. An Overactive Immune System Isn't the Root Cause
An overactive immune system is likely not the root cause of your food allergies or intolerances. The immune system is a responsive system reacting to external factors.
The immune system goes to work in response to what's coming into the body. Controlling the response without considering external triggers misses a huge opportunity for healing. Focusing only on controlling the immune system’s reactions without identifying and addressing environmental impacts can hinder true healing.
4. Commonalities in Food Reactions
Food allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities have more in common than you might think. Instead of focusing solely on their differences, understanding their commonalities can offer better treatment insights.
Common Points:
Immune System and Digestive System Connection: Lots of immune cells are located in the intestines, which means immune responses can be involved in both allergies and intolerances.
Severity: Anaphylactic responses can involve digestive organs like the tongue or throat, indicating crossover between immune and digestive systems.
Understanding the intersection between immune and digestive systems can help address both allergies and intolerances more effectively.
5. Avoidance Isn’t a Long-term Solution
Avoidance is a temporary safety measure, not a long-term solution. Identifying external factors and healing the body from within are crucial.
Comparing food reactions to a "check engine" light, if you ignore the underlying issues, they can lead to more significant health problems down the line. Addressing these factors and healing from within is essential.
Steps Toward True Healing
Here's a roadmap to start on a path to overcoming food allergies and intolerances:
Identify External Factors: Work with a specialist to pinpoint infections, toxicities, or other external factors.
Assess Impacted Systems: Determine which organs and systems are affected by these external factors.
Healing from the Inside Out: Use natural healing processes to support your body’s total recovery resulting in reduced food reactions because your body is better able to handle all the foods nutritional components safely.
Understanding these five often overlooked aspects can change your approach to managing food allergies and intolerances. Sharing this knowledge with a friend or loved one could make a significant difference in their health journey.
Stay healthy and take care!

FoodClues™ is designed to help you uncover the hidden causes behind food allergies and intolerances. By focusing on personalized, natural food allergy remedies, we address the root of your food reactions for lasting relief. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to the best treatment for food allergy symptoms—right from home.
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